Fuller Fitness closure from Mon 23rd March @12pm
After 20 years owning and operating Fuller Fitness in Subiaco, the Prime Minister announced as of 12pm, Monday 23rd March all gyms across Australia must close for the foreseeable future due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Whilst I am devastated for our staff and our members at this news, I understand we must do what we can as a community to combat this virus.
I fully understand mentally and physically what Fuller Fitness means to us all in our day to day lives and I cannot thank you enough for all your care, concern and support during these unprecedented times.
All business matters will be suspended indefinitely including the upcoming April membership and personal training direct debits.
We hope and pray that if we all stay strong and healthy together that we will be back operating as soon as the Government allows.
I am more than happy to take your calls personally if you have any questions or concerns.
Matt Fuller
0410 440 747